Cleaning vintage nylon skin Bradley dolls. Antique cloth dolls like these are rarely found with perfect skin. There are usually amber-colored spots that freckle a once-perfect complexion. For this example, I'm using a vintage mid-century nylon-skinned Bradley doll. Water can be the enemy of these dolls, so I used a dry cleaning spray and a silicone toothbrush both found on Amazon. To clean her legs, I sprayed close to the fabric. The spray came out fast and furious! So it was good that I was outside. The spray dried to a white powdered residue in about 20 minutes. I used a silicone toothbrush to brush away the powder over a nail tech's fan so I wouldn't inhale any particles. Silicone toothbrushes are incapable of damaging the doll at all. I saw a significant lightening of the stains, so I did the same application again and got even more results. If applied a few more times, the legs would look like new! This is with no loss of color or degradation to any of the skin, underlying materials, or the doll's clothing. The back of the dolls shorts were highly faded prior to treatment and no change in color happened as a result of my dry cleaning. Spots on the face should be addressed with more care. A dry cleaning dampened Q-tip dabbed only on spots would be recommended. Once the stain is lifted. face powders, not paints should be added to even up the skin tone if needed. Silicone toothbrush, and dry cleaning spray sources: